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Senin, 14 Maret 2011

LETTERS VIP’s (is a Fan Big) [PART 2]

When Gd said, "This Love" I feel "Fly Fly Touch tehe sky. " Hahahhaa
Although he may not say "This is song for you" but still
I felt a "VVIP" in G’s heart. This my fantasy as "VIP" and maybe all the fans like me feel the same "number one" for BigBang.

"Haru haru" my past, staring at them until I really "hangover". Yeah that's to much maybe. They are very "stylish", attractive and excited. "I don’t understand" why I do this? craziest crazy with Bigbang ?. I would never say "tell me good bye" to you,I’ll "remember" all, when I used "wedding dress " and looked "Sunset Glow although you’re not my man nd not u in my special day. I'm so "crazy" "but I love u" at this time and maybe “always " and "forever".

"tonight" in "café" I smile when I imagine jiyong as my husband, Taeyang and Top as my brother, SeungRi and Daesung is my best friend .. hhhaaaa
"oh .. yeah "that's crazy but I do not" Lies ". eating “lollipop” with Jiyong , play together with Daesung SeungRi while singing "lalalala" and eat "cotton candy" in the park. Suddenly, both my brother come, Top and Taeyang bring Gaho and Boss. Ahh .. glad we all play together to the point that I said "do not go home" for them.

"Where U At" when I realized it turns out I'm imagining. hhhaaaa. There was already night, and I just smiled and say "baby good night” for them.
Such a beautifull night, "thank you " because of you I feel my life soo "wonderfull" :) .

indo trans :

Saat Gd berkata “This Love” aku merasa “Fly Fly Touch tehe sky”. Hahahhaa
Walaupun mungkin dia tidak berkata “This is song for you” tapi tetap
aku merasa “VVIP” dihatinya. Ini khyalanku sebagai “VIP” dan mungkin semua Fans sama sepertiku merasa “number one” untuk Bigbang.

“haru-Haru” ku lewati, menatap mereka sampai kau benar-benar “hangover”. Yeah that’s to much maybe. Mereka sangat “stylish”, menarik dan excited. “I don’t understand” kenapa aku begini? Tergila-gila pada Bigbang?. ku takkan pernah katakan “tell me good bye” pada kalian.  aku kan “remember” semua saat nanti aku pakai “wedding dress” dan menatap “sunset Glow” meski bukan kau pendampingku nanti atau mungkin tak ada kalian di hari spesialku nanti. I’m so “crazy” “but I Love u” saat ini and maybe “always and “forever”.

“tonight” di “café” aku tersenyum saat ku membayangkan jiyong sebagai suamiku, Taeyang dan Top sbg kakakku, seungri dan daesung adalah sahabat karibku.. hhhaaaa “oh.. yeah” that’s crazy but I don’t “lies” . makan “lollipop” berdua bersama Jiyong.bermain main bersama daesung dan seungri sambil bernyanyi nyanyi “lalalala” dan makan “cotton candy” di taman. Tiba-tiba datng kedua kakakku top dan taeyang membawa Gaho dan Boss. Ahh.. senangnya kita semua bermain bersama sama sampai-sampai ku berkata “don’t go home” pada mereka.

“where u at” saat aku sadar ternyata aku sedang berkhayal hhhaaaa. Tak terasa sudah malam, dan aku hanya tersenyum dan mengucapakan “ baby good night”untuk mereka.
Such a beautifull night, “thank you” karena kalian aku merasa hidupku “wonderfull”

created by : Hefanny 15032011

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